New website will be launched in August 2017 providing news, research and stories related to gender equality.

In the meantime please follow us on Facebook for daily news updates at echo37equality.

Echo 37 is a collaborative site to promote gender equality.

Echo 37 will drive the conversation about gender equality by elevating the extent of the problem, examining the cause and exploring solutions.

Echo 37 will engage both men and women in the advocacy of gender equality. Women's empowerment must be supported by the engagement of men.

Established in May 2016 Edition 1.0 will focus on highlighting the extent of gender equality in our world. Each of the 7 categories under Equality provides insight pertaining to gender equality.

The etymology of Echo 37:

Echo in the phonetic alphabet represents the letter E, and E is for Equality.

An Echo is a neutral, reverberating form of communication.

1937 is the year Amelia Earhart's plane, the Electra, disappeared over the Pacific Ocean. Her last transmission, "we are on the line of position 157 dash 337..."

Earhart was a daring, determined and driven woman who pioneered gender equality. We intend to continue her journey.

Amelia is also author of our favorite quote, "Never interrupt someone doing something you said could not be done"